

To ensure that no confusion between market value and NON market value, the valuer should consider the guidelines as follows:

  • Identifying the properties of votes; 
  • Identify the rights associated with the property to be assessed; 
  • Identify the purpose and the purpose of the assessment; 
  • Determining the value of the estimated; 
  • Conduct inspections of property assessed; 
  • Disclose any conditions or special circumstances that limit.

Going Concern Value: 

This concept involves an assessment of a business to run, in which the allocation or division of the Business Value of the overall Walking into sections that provide an important contribution to the overall business, but not one of these components form the basis for market value. Therefore, the concept of the Business Value of Walking can be applied only on the property that is part of inclusion body business or company.

Value in Use

Value is the value in the use of property belonging to a specific use for certain users to a specific and therefore not related to market value. Value in using this value is given by the property to certain business entities, where the property is part of the agency business without taking into account the highest and best use of the property or the amount of money that can be obtained at sale.

Mortgage Lending Value

Value is determined by the property valuer with the valuation carefully over marketabilitas properties in the future taking into consideration the long-term sustainability of the property, local market conditions and normal, and the use of current and alternative use of the property accordingly. Elements that are speculative can not be calculated in the assessment of Value Guarantee Loan. Value Guarantee Loan will be documented in a clear and transparent. 
Definition of Value Guarantee Loan in the European Union Directive 89/647/ECC jo Directive 98/32/EC. Value Guarantee Loan is one of the techniques analyze the risk of the loan, which can be used to calculate the risk weights that can be imposed on the loan collateral by the bank. This is a technique to measure the risk of long-term and is not a basic assessment to determine the appropriate value at a certain time. Therefore, this value is fundamentally different from market value.

Investment Value

Value of property to a particular investor or group of investors for the purpose of investment identified. Concept Investment Value or the Economic Benefit (worth) is linking with special properties for investors, investor groups, agencies or businesses with the criteria and goals of investment identified. Investment Value or the Economic Benefits of a property can be higher or lower than the market value of the property. Term Investment Value or the Economic Benefits should not confused with a market value of investment properties. However, market value can reflect a number of valuation of the Investment Value or the Economic Benefits of individual, or a particular property. Investment value, or the economic benefits associated with the Special Values

Insurable Value

Insurance value is the value of the property as stipulated by the conditions stated in the contract or the insurance policy and in the definition of clear and detailed.

Special Value

is a term associated with the element of the extraordinary value that exceeds the market value. Special value can occur, for example, because of physical linkages, functions, or economy of the property with other property such as property connected. Value addition is a special value that can be applied to owner / users or owners / prospective users of the property and not the overall market. Special value can be applied only to buyers with special interests. Value of Merger (Marriage value) is a value addition of the results of merging two or more of property rights, represents the specific example of special value. The value can be associated with specific elements of the Running Business Value, and Value Investment, or Economic Benefits. The Valuer must ensure that these criteria vary with the market value, with state-accurately as he explained that the Special assumptions made.

Assessed, Rateable, Taxable Value

Value Taxationis based on the value of the definition in the legislation that applies related to the valuation value, or the determination of taxes and property. Although some legislation may cite as the basis of market value assessment value, the assessment methodology used to value mengestimasi can produce different values with market values. Therefore Value Taxation can not be considered as the market value.

Salvage Value

The remaining value is the value of a property, without land value, as if sold separately for each part and no longer used for its use at this time, and without considering the specific adjustments and improvements. Values can be given with or without considering the cost of sales, and when considering the cost of sales, the result is calculated by using the concept of the net realisable value

Forced Value

Force value is the amount of money that may be received from the sale of a property in the time period for a relatively short period of time can meet the definition of marketing in market value. In some situations, Value Selling Force may involve the seller is not interested in selling, and buyers who buy with the knowledge that the situation does not benefit the seller. Liquidation value of the term often used and have the same meaning with the Value Selling Force.

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