
Indonesian appraiser Kjpp asp Rekan

Indonesian appraiser, KJPP Pangaloan will move to asp rekan is the leading public and property consultants. We are committed to contributing to building the national economy in accordance with the principles: professional, prudent, and trusted. We supported by professional and independent experts who always keep the code of conduct, integrity, and professionalism in performing client tasks and honor the valuers code of conduct. In providing services, we always keep fair business ethics and values which have been planted in our experts, which are integrity, accuracy, professionalism, consistency, innovation, communication, and togetherness.

Integrity; Prioritizing client interest and act with ethic and honesty. Accuracy; preserve accuracy in every aspect of our work. Professionalism; provide efficient advices based on expert knowledge and wide professional experiences. Consistency; ascertain consistency and harmonic relation between our network. Innovation; anticipate client needs and deliver solutions with accuracy through innovation, sustainable development. Communication; easy to be contacted and communicate effectively internally and externally. Togetherness; enjoy a positive work environment of mutual support.

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